Tall Timber

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April Newsletter

Wow, what a difference a few weeks makes. The snow has melted, the sun is shining, and mud season has been relatively mellow as we've had some pretty spectacular spring days so far. The hummingbirds are going wild, the mosquitos are being taken care of by preemptive attempts to mitigate them before they turn into adults, and we are so, so excited to be ramping up our planning and promotion of our Summer Camps for youth and families.

Also, we were excited to host a group of congregants from First Presbyterian Church of Bellingham, who completed many, many projects around our facilities. We loved working alongside them and sharing meals with them, and are stoked to hear about what they learned during their time at Tall Timber:

"to slow down and feel the spirit"

"To be a better listener...always..."

"This was a great way to know more about people on our team."

"Continuing to work on less worry and more trust and patience"

We definitely feel all of these, as the staff here continue to learn how to better serve together and work together as a team, and are looking to trust and feel God's Spirit as we move into the summer. Until then, we still have quite a few things going on here at Tall Timber, so check them out below, and keep our year-round staff and summer staff team in your prayers as we get ready for the best summer yet!

Join us for Memorial Day Weekend!

Though this may seem far in advance, we are hard at work gathering donated supplies and planning a wide variety or projects that meet everyone's skills and interests. Register today for a FREE weekend at Tall Timber - complete with amazing food, fellowship, and service projects. Whether you want to come with a group or meet folks here, or join us for all or part of the weekend...the best thing you can do is register today to help us plan!

Snohomish Cabin Dedication

We are delighted to announce a celebration of the completion of the Snohomish Cabin remodel! Many dollars, prayers, and volunteer labor has gone into this project, and we are excited to have the opportunity to host a lunch followed by a dedication ceremony. All are welcome to join us, as we thank all of those who have been involved in this project and bathe this building in prayer, that God would use it to bless many lives! All are welcome to join. Register here for this event.

Register for Summer Camp!

We're excited to see registrations rolling in for our summer camps. We'll be shifting our programming a bit this year to focus on building relationships with God, ourselves, and our neighbors through community building, sharing of our life stories, engaging in adventures on and off Tall Timber's grounds, and learning how we can all be better stewards of the many gifts God has given us. Space is limited, so if you have been holding off on registering, make sure you do that ASAP! Summer camp registrations can be found here.