December Newsletter

In the spirit of Advent, please join us in looking ahead, with faith in the good news that is yet to come. This is a time of preparation and waiting, but that doesn't mean we sit on our hands. As Dean Dettloff so wonderfully put it, "It's a time to hope for a better Christmas, one that's true to its revolutionary spirit." We know God's dynamic Spirit is on the move here at Tall Timber, and we hope you are seeing hints of God at work in your life too. 

We are looking forward to all the groups that will be joining us in the new year, including local churches, organizations, and Whitworth's Jan Term class. We are also excited to see summer staff applications rolling in, as we prepare to train them in Wilderness First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Leave No Trace, and more. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers and ensure we're connected on Instagram and Facebook! We have been so blessed by the gifts received on/around Giving Tuesday and are so excited for what's possible because of your financial commitment to this beautiful place and impactful ministry. As you think about snatching up those final tax deductions, please take some time to prayerfully consider a year-end gift to Tall Timber.

Since our Last Update...

Tall Timber has transformed into a true winter wonderland! We really hope to see you at Snow Camp so you can enjoy it as much as we are.

In the last month, we have been busy hosting groups (like Underground Ministries), writing grants by the fire, and celebrating the newest member of the Tall Timber team...a Cat 420 Backhoe Loader! This machine is going to make the feet and feet of snow we receive *so much* easier to maneuver. 

Join us for Snow Camp!

Ready for some time away with friends or family this winter? Look no further than Snow Camp! Join us for a few days in the snow (including snowshoeing and nordic skiing) and nights by the fire (with plenty of hot chocolate). Learn more on our website!Register soon! 

Looking for a Christmas Gift that Gives Back? 

Consider a donation in your loved one's name to Tall Timber Ranch! Not only will this person receive a note of thanks, but as a token of our gratitude we will wrap and send them a Tall Timber mug, shirt, hat, or sweatshirt. Donate here

Tall Timber